
Gain an advantage in your Virtual Sales Meetings

January 22, 2022

“Virtual selling will continue even after we get a successful COVID vaccine.” A client told me this just last week, confirming what many others are now saying.  As a result, she, along with other Sales Leaders have asked us to help their sales-related personnel to better execute the various types of virtual sales meetings that they will be facilitating. To whet your appetite, below are a few best practices—not Zoom technology tricks—that can help to differentiate yourself, your services, and your company during upcoming virtual sales meetings:

Preparation is key for your Virtual Meetings – Whether you have been successful due to your prospecting efforts or you are reacting to an inbound lead/RFP, it will be important to answer the following before you even begin your Virtual Sales Meetings:

The Four C’s for Organizing & Facilitating Effective Virtual Meetings – Below are 4 steps for organizing future virtual sales meetings – They can be adapted regardless of the purpose of a sales meeting:

Handling Questions – There is an art to handling questions during a virtual meeting.  While there is a proven 5-step method for handling questions, a few finer points are below:

Virtual Sales Meetings are here to stay.  If you want to learn the tricks or best practices for leveraging Zoom or Teams, do a google search.  However, if you want to truly differentiate you and your team from your competitors, it may take a proven process for facilitating successful virtual sales meetings—as well as training and practice—to excel.  Let us know if we can support your efforts.

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